farm produce breadcrumb

Farm Grown

Get Fresh Farm Produce in Hendersonville, NC

Finding quality farm produce can be a challenge. Supermarket options often lack freshness and traceability, leading to concerns about health and taste. In Hendersonville, NC, Lanning Road Farms, LLC offers a refreshing alternative. We specialize in farm-grown, non-GMO fruits and vegetables, free-range eggs, and more, all grown on our century-old family farm. Say goodbye to the frustration of poor-quality produce. Embrace the satisfaction of feeding your family with the healthiest food available. Our commitment to quality and community sets us apart, offering a definitive solution to your farm produce needs.

farm produce

Experience the Difference With Our Farm Fresh Produce

We transform your experience with farm produce. Our non-GMO, seasonal fruits and vegetables, and free-range pork and eggs are a testament to our dedication to quality and health. With seasonal CSA boxes and plant starters, we make healthy eating accessible and enjoyable. Our farm produce not only supports your well-being but also promotes sustainable, community-supported agriculture. Benefit from our commitment to excellence and enjoy farm fresh, fruit farming, and community-supported agriculture that truly makes a difference in your life.

Bring the Farm Freshness to Your Table

Ready to elevate your dining experience with the freshest farm produce in Hendersonville, NC? Lanning Road Farms, LLC invites you to discover the rich flavors and unmatched quality of our non-GMO, heirloom fruits and vegetables. Our family-run farm is dedicated to providing you with the best, from seasonal CSA boxes to free-range eggs and pork. Join us in our commitment to sustainable vegetable farming, healthy eating, and community support. Call us today and let us bring the bounty of our farm directly to your table.

Farm Grown Food Comes Dirty. Embrace the Authenticity, Taste the Difference!